The government announced that eligibility for housing benefit (or any other means-tested benefit) would be an automatic passport to free housing support services in Northern Ireland (rather than having a specific 'supporting people' means test).
Source: House of Commons Hansard, Written Answers 18.12.02, column 830W, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Hansard
Date: 2002-Dec
The government issued a report on progress in improving quality and choice for older people s housing since a strategy document was published in January 2001. Ministers said they wanted local authorities and their partner organisations in health to develop meaningful older persons strategies that not only address present housing, social care and health issues, but also look to the future.
Source: Quality and Choice for Older People s Housing: A Strategic Framework - The Story so Far, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (0870 1226 236)
Links: Report (pdf)
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/1, Digest 121, paragraph 4.5
Date: 2002-Dec
A research project attempted to identify the extent to which sheltered accommodation provides support and accommodation to groups of older people with histories of homelessness and needs that are not traditionally associated with older people; and to consider some of the issues raised by integrating these groups into mainstream provision.
Source: Imogen Blood, Sheltered Housing and the Resettlement of Older Homeless People, Help the Aged (020 7278 1114) and Housing Associations Charitable Trust
Links: Summary (pdf)
Date: 2002-Dec
Researchers evaluated a programme established in 1998 with the aim of providing long-term solutions for older homeless people, or those at risk of homelessness, by identifying, funding and promoting models of good practice.
Source: Jenny Pannell, Robin Means and Hazel Morbey, Surviving at the Margins: Older homeless people and the organisations that support them, Help the Aged (020 7278 1114)
Links: Summary (pdf)
Date: 2002-Dec
A report argued that housing associations need to be more responsive to the needs of women tenants, who head almost two-thirds of the households in housing association accommodation.
Source: Lesley Andrews, Women at Home?, Housing Corporation (020 7393 2000)
Links: Report (pdf) | Guardian article
Date: 2002-Dec
A survey of 3,000 parents of severely disabled children provided, for the first time, data at a national level on the housing needs of disabled children and their families.
Source: Bryony Beresford and Christine Oldman, Housing Matters: National evidence relating to disabled children and their housing, Policy Press for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from Marston Book Services (01235 465500)
Links: JRF Findings N72
Date: 2002-Nov
A review examined how the needs of older people might affect the planning of neighbourhoods and of individual homes. It highlighted the fact that the population of older people is not homogeneous, and that providers need to meet a wide range of preferences and circumstances.
Source: Nigel Appleton, Planning for the Majority: The needs and aspirations of older people in general housing, York Publishing Services for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from York Publishing Services Ltd (01904 431213)
Links: JRF Findings N32
Date: 2002-Nov
A paper provided draft guidance to local authorities in Wales on developing local arrangements for charging for 'Supporting People' services (services for older people, those with a disability or other vulnerable people, to continue to live independently in their own home), and for paying subsidy to service providers in respect of users who cannot afford to pay the full cost of the service.
Source: Charging and Financial Assessment for Recipients of Supporting People Services, National Assembly for Wales (029 2082 5111)
Links: Paper
Date: 2002-Nov
A study drew out a number of underlying principles and themes that are important in meeting the housing needs of disabled children and their families. A key issue for families is being able to find out information about the kinds of help that are available.
Source: Mark Bevan, Housing and Disabled Children: The art of the possible, Policy Press for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from Marston Book Services (01235 465500)
Links: JRF Findings N62
Date: 2002-Nov
The Housing Corporation set out its vision for investment in a range of affordable housing and services which will improve older people's quality of life, by giving them greater choice and control over where and how they live, and by promoting greater independence, inter-dependence and social inclusion.
Source: Housing for Older People, Housing Corporation (020 7393 2000)
Links: Report (pdf) | Press release
Date: 2002-Oct
A new book argued that the involvement of older people as active partners in planning their future living arrangements, and elements of care support, must be at the heart of day-to-day practice, policy planning and design.
Source: Keith Sumner (ed.), Our Homes, Our Lives: Choice in later life living arrangements, Centre for Policy on Ageing, available from Central Books (020 8986 5488)
Links: Summary
Date: 2002-Oct
A report evaluated alternative funding mechanisms to provide affordable housing for key workers.
Source: ATIS REAL Weatheralls, Affordable Rented Housing for Key Workers, Housing Corporation (020 7393 2000)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 30/3, Digest 119, paragraph 4.5
Date: 2002-Oct
A report examined 15 studies on disability (physical and sensory impairment only) and housing. It found a lack of quality information, both numerical data and needs analyses, to underpin policy development; problems of joint working in community care, because of its legislative framework and interrelationships between agencies; and sensitive problems about involving users in both housing and support services, mostly because of the difficulties of communicating.
Source: The bIGPicture: Disability and Housing, Housing Corporation (020 7393 2000)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2002-Oct
A new book presented the findings of a comprehensive study of the costs associated with unauthorised traveller encampments - both the financial costs to local authorities and the financial, human and social costs suffered by private landowners, police services and travelling people themselves.
Source: Rachel Morris and Luke Clements, At What Cost? The economics of gypsy and traveller encampments, Policy Press, available from Marston Book Services (01235 465500)
Links: Summary
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 30/2, Digest 118, paragraph 6.6
Date: 2002-Oct
A report summarised research on good practice in supported housing for young mothers, to guide the development of new and existing schemes.
Source: Teresa Hinton and Sarah Gorton, Good Practice in Supported Housing for Young Mothers, Department of Health (020 7972 5309) and Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 30/3, Digest 119, paragraph 4.4
Date: 2002-Sep
The Welsh Assembly Government published a plan aimed at providing a framework for the Assembly and its partners to ensure that black and minority ethnic groups are protected and treated fairly in accessing and choosing quality housing.
Source: Black, Minority Ethnic Housing Action Plan for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Plan (pdf) | Press release
Date: 2002-Sep
The government announced a new strategy towards unauthorised encampments by Travellers, including extra police powers to move people on, and additional funding for temporary, transit and emergency stopping places.
Source: Press release 5.7.02, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (020 7944 3000)
Links: Press release
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/1, Digest 121, paragraph 8.1
Date: 2002-Jul
A report said local councils were failing to provide homes for thousands of people with a learning disability living with elderly parents.
Source: Housing Timebomb: The housing crisis facing people with a learning disability and their older parents, Mencap (020 7454 0454)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf)
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/2, Digest 122 (paragraph 5.4)
Date: 2002-May